
Showing posts from January, 2018

Of Saints and Sinners

Who/what do we worship? While the world worships “stars” in Hollywood, television, sports, and even the news media and politics, most of it averts its eyes when faced with St. Something-or-other. Suspicion, derision, discomfort, and even outright mockery surrounds the whole idea. Bottom line: Saints aren’t meant to be worshiped under any circumstances, any more than their celebrity counterparts. So why do saints even exist? Jesus was fully human and fully divine—saints are only human beings who have striven for the divine and blazed a path for the rest of us who also strive. I take courage and comfort from those who have gone before me—walked the same human path I’ve trod—fallen and failed as I have—but, in the end, left behind a legacy of faith and works as I’d like to do, however small. Bottom line: It’s human nature to want to “look up” to someone when we feel very small and insignificant—but we need to choose wisely. Listen to the words of a sinne